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Carry the Courage

Continuing the legacies of women who died from Ovarian Cancer.

Continuing the legacies of women who died from Ovarian Cancer.

One woman dies of Ovarian Cancer every eight hours and less than half of women diagnosed will live beyond five years.

That means women like Kristen and Jill, whose legacies are depicted in the two films, are dying before they can make the impact they really want to.

Each film celebrates Kristen and Jill’s spirits, stories, and activism. Set in the present tense, their stories unfold to reveal that both Kristen and Jill have passed away from ovarian cancer.

They conclude by inviting Australians to Carry the Courage of Kristen and Jill by helping OCA continue its fight to improve the disease’s survival rate.

Kristen Larsen

Kristen Larsen

Diagnosed with ovarian cancer at 21 years of age, Kristen Larsen became a passionate advocate for Ovarian Cancer Australia and spoke often of the need for increased ovarian cancer research funding.

Jill Emberson

Jill Emberson

Journalist and broadcaster, Jill Emberson became a strong and outspoken advocate for funding equality and was determined to see better outcomes for people diagnosed with ovarian cancer.
